Home Insurance
Your Home Is Important, Make Sure It’s Protected.
Your home provides a lot of security for you and for your loved ones, and it also represents a major financial investment. Making sure that investment is properly protected makes good financial sense. We offer policies that cover your home against many different types of loss, as well as coverage for your furnishings and other possessions. And if you own valuable items like jewelry, costly electronics or camera equipment, artwork, antiques or even firearms, we can help you get the additional coverage you need to protect those items, too.
What’s more, your home insurance also provides important liability protection in case someone is injured on your property. It’s easy to see why getting good coverage is so critically important. Let our agents at CJ Insurance help you get the right coverage for your home.
Primary Residence
Whether you’re a new homeowner or have lived in your house for years, we know how important your home is to you. Primary Homeowner’s insurance doesn’t just protect your house and property, it also protects your belongings, yourself and your guests. You’ve put a lot of hard work into providing a home for yourself and your family. Talk to your local independent agent for personal advice on the best combination of homeowners insurance coverage, value, and price to protect your hard earned investment.
Rental Property
You’ve rented a great place, now it's our job to make sure you stay worry-free. When you rent an apartment or house, your landlord is not responsible for your personal belongings if they’re stolen or damaged. Renters insurance protects your personal belongings and also protects you if you’re held legally responsible for injuries to another person or guest while they’re visiting your home. To make sure you’re protected, your local independent agent can offer personal advice about product availability in your area and how much coverage is right for you.